FieldAllows you to specify a value for a column in the list this workflow is attached to. If the payload item has that value in the specified column, then this step will process.
Compare Any Data Source
Allows you to specify a set of values to be compared. Each value can contain either a hard-coded value or a lookup to another list on the site. See the section
Title Field Contains Keyword
Allows you to specify a value to look for in the Title column. If the current list item has that value in the title, then this step will process.
Modified in a Specific Date Span
Allows you to specify begin and end dates for when the list item was modified. If the current list item was modified within this span, then this step will process.
Modified by a Specific Person
Allows you to specify the name of a person. If that person modified the list item, this step will execute.
Created in a Specific Date Span
Same as Modified in a Specific Date Span but works off the list item creation date.
Created by a Specific Person
Same as Modified by a Specific Person but works off the original list item creator, not the last modifier.
The File Type Is a Specific Type
Allows you to specify a certain type of file. If the file payload matches this file extension, the step will process
The File Size in a Specific Range
Allows you to specify a range of kilobytes. If the file of Kilobytes payload falls within this range, the step will process.
Add Time to Date
Allows you to work with date values and store the result in a variable. You can add (or subtract, by indicating a negative value) time (minutes, hours, days, months, or years) to a specified date and store the result in either an existing variable or in a new variable created in this step.
Assign a Form to a Group
Launches a custom wizard that allows you to easily build a form to collect information from users. The wizard is similar to the Variables Editor discussed in a moment. You can indicate which users are assigned the survey as part of the configuration for this action.
Assign a To-do Item
Launches a dialog box that allows you to specify the parameters for creating a simple task for a specified user.
Build Dynamic String
Configure this step to create a string value and assign it to a variable. The string value can contain values retrieved from the current workflow instance by using lookups. We discuss lookups later in this chapter. The variable used to store the string value can be either preexisting or created as part of this action.
Check In Item
Checks in an item so other users can edit it. You can specify Current Item or provide a column name and value to identify which item to check in. Also allows you to specify a check-in comment, which can be either hard-coded or set via a workflow lookup.
Check Out Item
Checks out an item so other users cannot edit it. You can specify Current Item or provide a column name and value to identify which item to check out.
Collect Data from a User
Creates and assigns a task to the specified user. Tasks are used to collect specific information from the assigned user or to have the user complete a process. The ID of the task is stored in a variable so that the information from that task is available later in the workflow via a workflow lookup. Configuring this action will launch the custom task wizard, which is similar to the Variables Editor discussed in a moment. This action is similar to the Assign a To-Do Item action, but allows you to collect information for later use instead of just creating a task.
Copy List Item
Creates an exact duplicate of an existing list item in a different list on the current site. You specify both the source and destination lists. You can specify Current Item or provide a column name and value to identify which item to copy.
Create List Item
Creates a new list item in any list on the current site. You specify the list as well as values for all necessary columns. Values can either be hard-coded or based on a workflow lookup.
Delete Item
Deletes an item from a list on the current site. You can specify Current Item or provide a column name and value to identify which item to delete.
Discard Check Out Item
Pretty self-explanatory, but this allows you to undo the checkout of an item. All changes to that item will be lost.
Do Calculation
Performs a simple calculation (plus, minus, multiply, divide, modulo) with two values, which you can either specify or base on a workflow lookup. The results of the calculation are stored in a variable. Typically, this variable would be one created specifically for this workflow.
Log to History List
Allows you to write an entry to the designated history list for this workflow instance. You can use either fixed text or a workflow lookup value (but not both) as the text to be written.
Pause for Duration
Allows you to specify that the workflow should suspend processing for a time period you specify (in days, hours, and minutes) when you configure this action.
Pause Until Date
Similar to the previous action, except that you configure a specific date on which to continue processing the workflow.
Send an Email
Sends an email when it is executed. The action can be customized to specify the recipient, CC, subject, and body of the message. Each of these fields can be either hard-coded or based on formulas, lookups, or workflow variables.
Set Content Approval Status
Allows you to specify the current status of the payload item. You can also specify comments, but keep in mind that those comments will be the same for every instance of this workflow unless you use lookups.
Set Field in Current Item
Allows you to set the value of a specific column in the payload item to a specified value. You can specify this value with either fixed text or a workflow lookup value (but not both).
Set Time Portion of Date/Time Field
Similar to the Add Time to Date action, except that you specify a specific value for hours and minutes (i.e., not a relative time—plus 5 minutes from when the action executes) and store the results in a variable.
Set Workflow Variable
Sets a variable for this workflow to a specified value. The value can be either hard-coded or set via a workflow lookup. You can reference a previously created variable or create a new one.
Stop Workflow
Causes the workflow to stop processing. You can specify text to be logged to the history list with either fixed text or a lookup.
Update List Item
Updates one or more existing columns in one or more lists. You can specify the list(s), the column(s), and the value(s). You can also specify Current Item to indicate the item that triggered the current workflow instance.
Wait for Field Change in Current Item
Pauses the workflow until the specified column for this item from the attached SharePoint list equals the value specified. The value can be hard-coded or based on a workflow lookup.
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