Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Errors encountered if the connection factory is not XA enabled

Errors encountered if the connection factory is not XA enabled Problem(Abstract)Only WebLogic environments are affected. Resolving the problemProblem Description: After setting up the MEA, if the connection factory is not XA enabled, you will see the following error:

Message-Driven EJB: JMSContQueueProcessor-1 is unable to connect to the JMS destination: jms/mro/int/queues/cqin. The Error was: [EJB:010112]The Message Driven Bean 'JMSContQueueProcessor-1' is transacted, but the provider defined in the EJB is not transacted. Provider should be transacted if onMessage method in MDB is transacted.>

Solution: To correct the problem, log in to the WebLogic console, and navigate in the left pane to the following: services/jms/connection factories Select the MEA connection factory you created during the installation process. Click on the Transaction tab. Make sure that the checkbox beside the option "XA Connection Factory Enabled" is checked. Save and apply your changes, then restart WebLogic. .


Monday, February 6, 2012

automatically redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS if SSL encryption

IIS (Internet Information Server) doesn’t have a way to automatically redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS if SSL encryption is enabled for a site. So if you’ve got a site that users are supposed to access by typing in https://www.example.com, but they type in http://www.example.com or www.example.com or just example.com, they’re going to get a pretty ugly error message that looks like this:

What can you do? Well, there are two ways of going about it, and both of them are hacks, but they do the job just fine. I prefer method 2 myself.
Method 1:
Make sure the original site (the one with SSL encryption) is listening only on port 443 for the IP address you’ve assigned to it. Now create a separate site using that same IP address, and make sure it only listens on port 80. Create a single file at the root level and call it default.htm or default.asp. If you want to use HTML, then use a meta refresh tag. If you want to use ASP, use a redirect. I’ll give you examples for both below.

"<"meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0;URL=https://www.example.com" /">"
"<"% Response.Redirect("https://www.example.com") %">"

Remove the first two and last two (") above... this page kept redirecting b/c of the code...

Don’t forget to enclose each line in its proper brackets. This method works great, but it has one shortcoming. If the site visitor chooses to go to www.example.com/somepage.htm, they’re going to get forwarded to the root-level of the HTTPS site, because that’s the nature of the script. It doesn’t differentiate between the page addresses. So you may ask yourself, isn’t there some other way of doing this? Yes, there is.
Method 2:
This method doesn’t require the creation of an additional site. All that you need to do for this is to create an HTML file — I call mine SSLredirect.htm — then point IIS to it using a custom error capture. First, here’s the code that you need to paste in that HTML file:

Once you’re done editing the file, save it to the root level of your site, or to the root level of IIS (c:\inetpub\wwwroot\). Saving it to that general location lets you use that same file to fix the HTTPS redirection problem for all of the sites you host on a single server.
Now, in IIS 6, right-click on the site in question, go to Properties >> Custom Errors, and double-click on 403;4. Select File for Message Type, then browse for the file you’ve just created and click on OK. In IIS 7, click on your site, then double-click on Custom Errors, locate the Add link in the top right-corner, and add an error for 403;4, as shown in the image below.

Once you’ve done this, your sites should automatically transfer HTTP traffic to HTTPS when it’s required, and the visitors won’t be forwarded to the root-level of the site. Instead, the URL will be remembered, and the page will simply be re-loaded using the HTTPS protocol. Come to think of it, you could write this in ASP as well, and avoid potential problems caused by browsers that have JavaScript turned off, but this code should work just fine for a lot of people.


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Restart Remote server from CMD

You must have same rights on the machine you are running this from

shutdown /r /m \\severname

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Weblogic 9: Security Realms and Deleting Cache

NOTE: We are unable to send the ETX data to NAG standalone system.

If you delete the cache of a standalone instance of maximo, you will have to go recreate any users that were set up... like the maximouser

Ok.. I had to add it to a group called maximousers as well.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Weblogic - STATE is ADMIN mode...UGGGGH!

Here is a running list to help when your server is in the STATE: ADMIN
Check the Error log... it will most of the time tell you whats wrong...

ORA-28000: the account is locked
A password may have changed or you lock the schema owner on the database...
Check your maximo.properties file mxe.db.password= and weblogic in your Service>JDBC>Data Sources>NAMEOFSOURCE>Connection Pool>Password:

Thursday, March 10, 2011

[MAXIMO] Importing Reports

Import the reports
Note: Edit the file \reports\birt\tools\reporttools.properties according to your environment configuration.

1. Run the IMPORTREPORTS tool for the LIBRARIES in the command prompt:
\reports\birt\tools\importreports.cmd libraries

2.Run the IMPORTREPORTS tool for the REPORTS in the command prompt:

3.Login to Maximo application

4.Go To Administration -> Reporting -> Report Administration

5.On List tab, click on the “Generate Request pages” button

Note: this process may take a few minutes to complete

Note: If you have more than one instance of maximo on the box, you want to make sure you use the host name or IP of the instance that will access the reports instead of the computername.

# HostName or IP address of the machine that has MAXIMO application running in an App Server
# HTTP port of the application server (the port used to access maximo from browser)
# Indicates whether the SSL communication is enabled or not
# User that has access to perform the operation
# Password of the user that has access to perform the operation
# Output folder used for the export operation

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Get IP Addresses from a list of Servers

two files:

server_list.txt - this is your list of SERVERS
SERVER_IP.txt - Outputfile

@echo off
FOR /F %%G IN (server_list.txt) DO CALL :setvars %%G %%h

FOR /F "tokens=2 delims=[]" %%A IN ('PING %Computer% -n 1') DO (

echo. %COMPUTER% %IP% >> "SERVER_IP.txt"
