Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Filtered cascading drop-downs in InfoPath browser forms using SharePoint lists and WSS owssvr.dll

REF: Biz Support Online .NET
by S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton

Learn how you can use Windows SharePoint Services' (WSS) owssvr.dll and InfoPath's FileQueryConnection to write code that filters SharePoint list data displayed in dependent or cascading drop-down list boxes on an InfoPath browser form in SharePoint.

You have 3 drop-down list boxes on an InfoPath browser compatible form template.

You would like the second drop-down list box to be filled with only those items that are related to the item selected in the first drop-down list box, and you'd like the third drop-down list box to be filled with only those items that are related to the item selected in the second drop-down list box.

In essence, you want to create cascading drop-down list boxes on an InfoPath browser form.

Use the owssvr.dll of Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) to filter SharePoint list data and populate drop-down list boxes on an InfoPath browser form, thereby creating cascading lists.

There are several ways to create cascading drop-down list boxes in InfoPath, some of which include using the Filter Data option in InfoPath if you're not creating a browser-compatible form template, using a web service, or writing code to filter items and then programmatically populate drop-down list boxes.

REF: Biz Support Online .NET
by S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton

Thursday, February 11, 2010

userprofileservice - complete list of default profile properties

The complete list of default profile properties


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Digitally Signed Fully Trusted Form Templates (InfoPath 2003)


In the InfoPath 2003 Service Pack 1 Preview you can create a fully trusted form template by signing the XSN with a code signing certificate. Here’s what you do:

While in the InfoPath designer, select Tools | Form Options | Security
Uncheck the “Automatically determine security level based on form’s design”
Select Full Trust
Click the Sign this form button
At this point, you need to choose a certificate that can be used for code signing.

If you do not have a certificate, you can choose the Create Certificate button. This will create a test certificate – not a certificate that has been authenticated by a certificate authority.

While you are developing your form template, you will not be able to preview with full trust permissions unless you register the form template.

The first time your users fill out the form that you have signed with a certain certificate, they will see a Security Warning dialog that notifies them that the form template is digitally signed and asks if they trust the publisher. Once they have checked the box to trust the publisher, they will be able to open any form template that asks for full trust and is signed with that same certificate.

You can view the list of trusted publishers in the SP1 version of InfoPath by selecting Tools | Options and clicking on the Trusted Publishers button.

If users find that the option to trust the publisher is disabled, that means that the root of the certificate used is not trusted on the user’s machine.

When you received your code-signing certificate, you asked the CA (Certificate Authority) for it. What the CA delivered to you is a certificate that is now in your personal folder that is trusted by you and by anybody who trusts the CA that issued it. So, for example, if you get a code signing certificate from Verisign, any user will have the option to trust you as a publisher as long as they also have Verisign in the list of Trusted Root Certification Authorities on their machine. Once a user has trusted the root of a certificate, the option to trust the publisher will be enabled in the Security Warning dialog that is displayed when they fill out a fully-trusted, signed form.

Users can trust the root of a certificate through the Security Warning dialog that comes up when they open a form template. When the Security Warning dialog is open:

Click on the Details button
Click on the Certification Path tab
Click on the CA Root Certificate
Click View Certificate button
Click Install Certificate
Follow through the Certificate Import Wizard
After the import is successful, close out of all of the dialogs
Open the form to fill out again and when the Security Warning is displayed the option to trust the publisher should be enabled.

Posted: Monday, May 10, 2004 10:55 AM by infopath

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Better Preview in Infopath 2007

You need to specify the correct preview domain in Form options if you want the wanring box to go away every time you preview.

This is done by opening Tools > Form Options > Preview
Enter your domain in the Domain text box.

Cascading Dropdowns in Browser Forms

REF: http://blogs.msdn.com/infopath/archive/2006/10/12/cascading-dropdowns-in-browser-forms.aspx

If you are building an InfoPath client-only solution and you need to filter drop-down list boxes, you can simply use the “Filter Data” feature when you set the Entries property for the control. However, since filters are not supported in browser-compatible form templates, how can you accomplish the same functionality?

This is where .NET web services can “save the day!” By creating web methods that accept parameters, you can add those web methods as data connections and then pass the selected value from one drop-down list box to the appropriate data connection “queryField”. Once the queryField has been set, simply execute that data connection to retrieve the associated values.

To setup this sample, you will need to have access to the SQL Server Northwind sample database and Visual Studio installed on your server.

First, let’s create the web service and the two web methods we will use in this sample:

Step 1: Open the appropriate web site

Launch Visual Studio
From the File menu, select Open and choose Web Site
Select File System and then navigate to: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS

NOTE: By choosing to open the LAYOUTS folder, your web service will be available from all provisioned sites. If you want the web service only to be available from a specific site (i.e. the default site) you would want to open: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\80

Click Open
In the Solution Explorer, right-click on the web site and choose New Folder
Rename this folder to: WebServices
Because you may have multiple web services, let’s add a sub folder here that is specific to our web service:
Right-click on WebServices and choose New Folder
Rename this folder to: NorthwindTables

Step 2: Create the web service

Right-click on NorthwindTables and choose Add New Item
From the Visual Studio installed templates list choose Web Service
In the Name box, rename this to: NorthwindTable.asmx

Uncheck the option “Place code in a separate file” and click Add

Step 3: Add the web methods

NOTE: For this sample, it is assumed the SQL Server database is installed on the same Microsoft Office SharePoint Server.

Add the following “using” declarations at the top of your code page:

using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

Add the following web method to retrieve the CustomerID values from the Customers table in the Northwind database:

public DataSet GetCustomers() {
// Create a SQL connection to the Northwind sample database
SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=(local);Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=Northwind");

// Create data adapter object passing it the SELECT
// statement to retrieve the customer ID values
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT Customers.CustomerID FROM Customers Order By CustomerID", cn);

// Create a dataset object to store the data
DataSet ds = new DataSet();

// Open the connection

// Fill the dataset
da.Fill(ds, "Customers");

// Clean up
cn = null;
da = null;

return ds;

Add the following web method to retrieve the associated orders for the selected customer:

public DataSet GetOrdersForSelectedCustomer(string strCustID) {
// Create a SQL connection to the Northwind sample database
SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=(local);Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=Northwind");

// Create a string variable for the modified SQL statement
string strOrdersSQL = "";

// Create a string variable for the default SQL statement
string strOrdersOrigSQL = "SELECT * FROM Orders";

// Some of the customer ID values contain apostrophe's - we need
// to replace them with two single quotation marks so that all
// single quotation marks in the CustomerID are parsed correctly.
strCustID = strCustID.Replace("'", "''");

// Concatenate the default SQL statement with the "Where" clause
// and add an OrderBy clause
strOrdersSQL = strOrdersOrigSQL + " Where CustomerID Like '%" + strCustID + "%' Order By OrderID";

// Create data adapter object passing it the SELECT statement
// to retrieve the OrderID values
SqlDataAdapter daOrders = new SqlDataAdapter(strOrdersSQL, cn);

// Create a dataset object to store the data
DataSet Ds = new DataSet();

// Open the connection

// Fill the DataSet
daOrders.Fill(Ds, "Orders");

// Clean up
cn = null;
daOrders = null;

return Ds;

Build and save the project

Step 4: Test the web methods

NOTE: The Identity account of the Application Pool for the web site where this web service is published will need to have access to the SQL Server database.

Open a browser and navigate to: http:///_layouts/WebServices/NorthwindTables/NorthwindTables.asmx (replace with the name of your server)
You should see the two web methods created above along with the default HelloWorld web method:

Click the GetCustomers link and then click Invoke – this should return a list of the CustomerID values
Click the GetOrdersForSelectedCustomer link, in the strCustID box enter: BERGS and then click Invoke – this should return a list of only those OrderID values for BERGS

Step 5: Create the InfoPath form

Design a new, blank, browser-compatible InfoPath Form Template
Add a drop-down list box to the view and modify the name to: SelectCustomer
Add another drop-down list box to the view and modify the name to: SelectOrder

Add a new “receive data” data connection to the NorthwindTables web service for each of the web methods created above as follows:
Enable the option “Automatically retrieve data when the form is opened”
Use ALFKI as the sample value for the strCustID parameter when prompted in the Data Connection Wizard
Uncheck the option “Automatically retrieve data when the form is opened”
Set the Data source for SelectCustomer to the GetCustomers data connection and use the CustomerID field for both the Value and Display name properties
Set the Data source for SelectOrder to the GetOrdersForSelectedCustomer data connection and use the OrderID field for both the Value and Display name properties
Create a Rule on SelectCustomer with the following actions:
Set a field’s value: Set the SelectOrder field to nothing (e.g. leave the Value blank)
Set a field’s value: Set the parameter value (strCustID) for the GetOrdersForSelectedCustomer data connection to the SelectCustomer field
Query the GetOrdersForSelectedCustomer data connection
Save the form locally as FilteredDrop-downs_IPFS.XSN

Step 6: Publish the form

Publish the form to a server running InfoPath Form Services
Navigate to the form library where the form was published and click the New button
From SelectCustomer choose BERGS
Click SelectOrder – only those orders for BERGS are displayed
Select a different customer – notice the orders have also changed

Scott Heim
Support Engineer
Posted: Thursday, October 12, 2006 11:24 AM by infopath


InfoPath 2003 Master/Detail with SharePoint List Sources

REF: http://randomdust.com/blogs/ryan/archive/2008/07/02/infopath-master-detail-with-sharepoint-list-sources.aspx

I don’t know if this is specific to SharePoint sources or just external sources in general, but you can’t use a SharePoint source in a master/detail relationship. After dragging it onto the form, right click on the repeating table and view the properties. The master/detail section is grayed out. The second thing I ran into was trying to filter the SharePoint connection. No luck there either, it’s not available.

After some searching, I found a post on implementing master/detail for a web based form which detailed some steps to pull in SharePoint data using a different method. Instead of using the SharePoint List option when creating the connection, you use the XML option and point it to a URL which outputs the list data in XML format. I won’t cover the details of that here as he covers it his post very well, but it’s using owssvr.dll. That post solved my issues completely, but it was using code for InfoPath 2007. I needed to convert that to be 2003 compatible.

Since the 2003 compatible code is probably the only useful part of this post, here it is:


Pretty simple, but it took some SDK searching to find the right classes. I’m using the XMLFileAdapterObject to grab the “Card Version owssvr” data connection, then I change the URL using FileURL similar to how Ishai modified the FileLocation property of the FileQueryConnection object. Like I said, nothing fancy, but I thought it may come in handy for folks looking for a solution similar to Ishai’s, but who can’t use InfoPath 2007.

InfoPath form Services - implementing a Master-Detail on the web


If you ever tried publishing a form to the web using infopath form services, you probably know that one compatibility issue you will have is with master-detail (also known as "cascading dropdowns") fields.

Master-detail basically means when you have two fields (usualy dropdown boxes) and you want the options in the second field to change based on the choice the user made in the first field.

For example, I have a dropdown called "States", and a dropdown calles "Cities". Now I want when the user chooses a state, to only show cities within the chosen state.
This is easy to do in infopath - just connect the dropdowns with a little configuration. But when you try to publish the form to a web form, it will tell you that the master-detail will simply not work in the web form. It's not supported.

To the rescue!


NOTE: This works but you need to have your security setting to Fully Trusted!!!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Missing Completed Workflows History

REF: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en/sharepointworkflow/thread/b15b27e2-3033-418b-9731-968273d7423e

P: I cannot find any workflow histories on approved documents that were approved 2 months or more ago.

A: The workflow data is purged from the MOSS Workflow database table after 60 days. Based on calls to Microsoft about this, it was by design and for performance reasons. However, what good it the workflow functionality if proof of the workflows are deleted? How can companies meet various industry auditing requirements for SOX, ISO, TS, etc? Microsoft gave us only one option: changing the 60 days to something higher by writing a script modifying the SPWorkflowTemplate.AutoCleanupDays property of the workflow associations. But this does not bring the deleted data back?

For anyone seriously considering using the MOSS workflows, I would advise you disable the "Workflow Auto Cleanup" timer service in Central Admin (central --> Operations -->Timer Job Definitions) to prevent any further deletions of your workflow data. A lot of agonizing work went into researching this problem because it was not documented by Microsoft. Not even the MOSS database schema. I had to reverse engineer the database and study the stored procedures to uncover the truth about what happened to my data.

READ More at above link